Power in Love Ministries is a non-denominational Christian ministry. Called beyond the traditional four walls of a sanctuary, we gather the community for prayer, Bible studies and worship in home settings, or prayer and outreach in the streets. We are servants of Jesus Christ, led by the Holy Spirit to share the Gospel, heal the brokenhearted, and set captives free, as it is written in Isaiah 61:1. In the process, we pray that every soul we reach will be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and come to encounter the depths and indescribable love that Jesus has for them (Ephesians 3:14–19). Only the Holy Spirit can reveal these truths to us, heal us, and equip us for walking in purpose. For this reason, we dedicate our lives to guiding as many as we can into a deep relationship with the Holy Spirit by demonstrating His "power IN love."
"Abuse, rejection, abandonment, drugs, violence, trauma, and more trauma—those are just a few of the pits that God has pulled me out of. I wasn't always this happy; I was bitter, cold, and couldn't stand people. And in the times that I wanted to end it all, there was Jesus! Pulling me out of death's grip every time! Finally, one day, as a single mom desperately looking for the light in this dark world, I decided to find out why the enemy had been coming after my life so strongly, and I surrendered my life and my children to God just to see what was on the other side. I never went back again! What I have found is that we can live in this world with Jesus or without Jesus; either way, there will be struggles, but with Jesus, we are victorious over them all! Come and discover the life you were originally designed for." -Alexandra
Alexandra, alongside her husband, Albert, are called to set people free from the lies of the enemy and bring God's healing power to all who seek Him. As led by the Holy Spirit, she is dedicated to prayer, ministering in spirit and in truth, and preaching and teaching the Word to the nations. Her daily objective is to be a reflection of the love and power of God as a living witness to His tangible existence. As such, she walks in miracles, signs, and wonders, leading others on how to do the same, giving God all the glory and honor!
Her ministry also extends into the marketplace, where she works and teaches creative design. She is also the author of "Your Story: A Miracle Healing Journey," a testimony to the power that comes from having an intimate relationship with God. Alexandra, Albert, and their three children, live in Central Florida, where the ministry is overseen by Apostle Eric and Prophetess Janet Melwani from Church of Many Waters.
"SEEK, and give fruit!" These are the words that Danya most lives by. Danya has a passion for diving deep into the Word and not only seeking but also perceiving the marvelous truths and wonders that God has to offer. She freely shares these treasures with the world! As a devout student of the Word, Danya is called to profound truths, exploring the Scriptures and history of the Bible in their original Hebrew context. The results are astounding, to say the least. Journey into a deeper relationship with God within the pages of her illuminating blog, "Twelve Baskets Full.".
As a ministry partner and co-founder, Danya is a loyal prayer warrior and a fierce ambassador for the love of God. She walks in pure Shalom, the peace of God, and wraps all people of all walks of life in His indescribable, unconditional love. It is this love of God that is both her shield and her most powerful weapon. Danya dedicates herself to embodying the love of God so that ALL may encounter who He truly is, discovering who they truly are in the process, so that they may be able to boldly proclaim "I am who I AM" and walk in the fullness of who God called them to be, for the glory of God!
Relationship. It all starts with relationship. Alexandra and Danya had been divinely knitted together since high school, in 1998. The relationship strengthened through the years, and they became prayer partners. Alexandra was called into ministry and eventually felt the hunger of others to learn how to pray. They created a prayer call, named it Holy Ground, and it became a well of living waters for anyone to visit, be lifted in prayer, be encouraged to pray, and be refreshed in the presence of God. Soon others joined, a core team was developed, and Power in Love Ministries was born. Albert and Alexandra, alongside Danya, and Julio, became the founders of Power in Love Ministries. Named and put together solely by the Holy Spirit, even the logo was personal and is a symbol of the sovereignty of Almighty God, the intensity of His power, and the light of His love that obliterates all darkness. Together with our amazing team that keeps us accountable and sharpens our irons, we are called to be living examples of His tangible presence, in the fullness of His love and His power, which can only be possible through a deep and intimate relationship with Him, through His precious Holy Spirit.
We honor and remember the life of our beloved brother, Julio Marquez, who sits with our Heavenly Father and intercedes for this ministry from Heaven. His life was a powerful testimony of what it's like to be One with the Father. Julio and his teachings will forever be part of the foundations of Power in Love Ministries. "Be obedient to God's word. Do not doubt; fully trust in the Lord. For His word is EXALTED above ALL things. Nothing is impossible through Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior." -Julio
Every Thursday @ 11:30am CT and 12:30pm EST, join our Zoom prayer group, Holy Ground, and gather with other people just like you, seeking answers, refuge, comfort, and the presence of God. Come, be refreshed and encouraged!
Be illuminated and empowered at our next Bible Study. Our home-based studies are located in Central Florida, and are also available via Zoom. Take your relationship with the Holy Spirit to the next level, register today!
We believe in the sovereignty of God Almighty, our Heavenly Father, YHWH (יהוה). - Exodus 6:2-3 (LSB); Psalm 103:19 (LSB)
We believe in Jesus Christ the Messiah, Yeshua HaMashiach, who died for our sins, was raised from the dead, and now sits at the right hand of The Father.
- 1 Peter 2:24; Romans 8:34
We believe in the Holy Spirit, Ruach Hakodesh, the Spirit of the living God who guides us in all truth. - John 14:26
We believe in the tri-une being of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- 2 Corinthians 13:14; Isaiah 9:6; Colossians 2:9
We believe the written Word of God; that Jesus IS the Word (John 1:1, 14); the Word of God is alive (Hebrews 4:12); and all Scripture is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
We believe in the redemption of our sins by way of Salvation, a gift freely given to all by the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
- Romans 6:23, 10:9; Ephesians 2:8-9; 1 Peter 2:24; John 3:16
We believe in the healing power that comes from the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. - Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24; Matthew 8:16-17
We believe in the resurrection power and eternal life that come from the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. - Romans 6:4-5, 23; John 11:25-26
We believe in unity, the body of Christ as one body full of many different members operating as One in Jesus Christ.
- Galatians 3:28; 2 Corinthians 13:11
We believe that ALL people of ALL walks of life and beliefs are loved by God, as stated in John 3:16, He "loved the world.", and all are "children of God," as stated in 1 John 3:1; as such, we respect and extend the love of God to ALL, no matter their background, history, race, nationality, culture, living circumstances, sexual orientation, mental state, stature, etc.
Let us know how we could be of service. No prayer is too big, and no question is too small.
Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |
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